The Governors' Podcast
Open, honest and transparent discussions about Governance, inspired by the Education sector in the UK. This podcast is hosted by governance practitioners, for new, experienced or prospective board members, such as school governor and academy trustee volunteers, to learn and develop. We share and provide insights into the realities of sitting on governing boards and leaning into strategic leadership. Connect with us to better govern your life!
The Governors' Podcast
Agenda Item 40 - Living a Governance Lifestyle with Karl George MBE | #TheGovernorsPodcast
For today's Single Item Agenda we are joined by a guest speaker;
- Dr Karl George MBE, a thought-leader and internationally established consultant in governance, is a Partner and Head of Governance at RSM, part of the ESG team.
By listening to this episode, you will:-
- Explore the remarkable journey of a leading corporate governance practitioner, spanning from a background in finance and accountancy to influential community activism, culminating in expertise in global governance.
- Delve into the fundamental principles of governance that transcend sectors, industries, and everyday life, as our esteemed guest shares insights on the universal importance of understanding governance and effectively leveraging specialized knowledge and diversity in various spaces.
- Uncover how strategic branding and self-belief play pivotal roles in propelling individuals forward on their governance journeys, as our guest provides invaluable advice on harnessing these factors for personal and professional advancement.
- Gain a deeper understanding of the critical significance of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations for all organizations, as our guest elucidates on the imperative of integrating ESG principles into governance frameworks.
- Learn about the pivotal role of a Non-Executive Director (NED) and discover how individuals can act as ambassadors in their voluntary roles and responsibilities, whether as school governors or academy trustees, contributing to effective governance in educational institutions and beyond.
Thank you for tuning into our show. We appreciate you, our listeners. Please rate, review and subscribe to our podcast.
The Effective Board Member: What every board member should know - Available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3VoLC7Q Get the book to learn more!
EBM Governance programme: https://effectiveboardmember.co.uk/
The RACE Equality Code: https://theracecode.org/
National Association of Schools and College Clerks (NASCC) - https://www.nascc.co.uk/
National Black Governors Network (NBGN) - https://nbgn.co.uk/
Email: thegovernorspodcast@gmail.com
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Sharon Warmington (School Governor; Qualified Corporate Governance Practitioner)
Olivia D Hinds (Member of the Joint Advisory Education and Safeguarding Group of a MAT; LGB Committee Chair for Teaching and Learning)
The Governors' Podcast (TGP) is a brand of Education Governance Solutions Limited
TGP is sponsored by GovernorHub/Knowledge
https://governorhub.com/ | https://thehoot.news/
Current release schedule: Term time Wednesdays @ 7am (approx. 1-2 per month).
TGP defines its 'Seasons' by UK academic years (September to July) and episodes are called ‘Agenda Items’.
Artwork and Production - Onevma Limited
Theme Music - Hertz Beats, UK P